B細胞 Cd79
B-cell activating factor BAFF also known as tumor necrosis factor ligand superfamily member 13B is a protein that in humans is encoded by the TNFSF13B gene. 14103 Ensembl ENSG00000117560 ENSMUSG00000000817 UniProt P48023 P41047 RefSeq mRNA NM_001302746 NM_000639 NM_001205243 NM_010177 RefSeq タンパク質 NP_000630 NP_001289675 NP_001192172 NP_034307 場所 UCSC Chr 1.
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B細胞 cd79. BAFF is also known as B Lymphocyte Stimulator BLyS and TNF- and APOL-related leukocyte expressed ligand TALL-1 and the Dendritic cell-derived TNF-like molecule CD257 antigen. The former forms a type 1 transmembrane receptor protein and is typically located on the outer surface of these lymphocyte cells. Through biochemical signaling and by physically acquiring antigens from the.
はプレb 細胞から活性化b 細胞の段階 まで一貫して発現する膜貫通型タンパク質B細 胞リンパ腫で発現しているが形質細胞とその腫 瘍では発現していないcd20 が陽性となるt 細 胞リンパ腫の症例もある抗体によって細胞質内. 17266 17267 Mb Chr 1. 333883 Ensembl ENSG00000085063 ENSMUSG00000068686 UniProt P13987 Q6FHM9 P58019 mRNA 序列 NM_203331 NM_000611 NM_001127223 NM_001127225 NM_001127226 NM_001127227 NM_203329 NM_203330 NM_181858 NM_001368215 蛋白序列 NP_000602 NP_001120695 NP_001120697 NP_001120698 NP_001120699 NP_976074 NP_976075 NP_976076 NP_0006021.
The B cell receptor BCR is a transmembrane protein on the surface of a B cellA B cell receptor is composed of a membrane-bound immunoglobulin molecule and a signal transduction moiety. 辺縁帯b細胞リンパ腫 は 辺縁帯リンパ腫 mzls とも呼ばれ 悪性形質転換 に由来する リンパ腫 の不均一なグループです 辺縁帯b細胞 辺縁帯b細胞は 自然リンパ球 であり通常感染性によって提示されるものなどの 抗原 に対して igm 抗体 免疫応答 を迅速にマウントすることによっ. Cluster of differentiation 257.
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